1. Why TNK WhatsApp not found in Play Store?
TNK WhatsApp is developed by a 3rd party developer. Unfortunately, due to copyright and license problems, it isn’t available on PlayStore.
2. Can I keep both WhatsApp and TNK WhatsApp both installed together?
No, you cannot keep both WhatsApp and TNK WhatsApp installed together on the same device.
3. How do I import conversations from WhatsApp to TNK WhatsApp?
- Backup your conversations on WhatsApp. (In WhatsApp settings, go to ‘Chat settings’ and backup your conversations’)
- Install TNK WhatsApp (follow steps from question 3 above).
- After verification is complete you will be prompted to import the backup.
- Accept the request to import conversations.
4. Is TNK WhatsApp developed by WhatsApp company?
No, It’s an unofficial app developed by independent developers, not sponsored by WhatsApp company.
5. Why TNK WhatsApp not found in Play Store?
TNK WhatsApp is developed by a 3rd party developer. Unfortunately, due to copyright and license problems, it isn’t available on PlayStore.
6. Is TNK WhatsApp available for iOS, Windows and BlackBerry devices as well?
Unfortunately, TNK WhatsApp is presently available only for Android platform.
7. How do I change themes?
You can always create a theme of your own and customize it yourself. TNK WhatsApp lets you customize every single part of the app and you can change the look and feel to your own liking.
8. Where can I find more themes?
You can directly download themes from the TNK WhatsApp themes store server or search online for themes.
9. Will I Be Banned if I Use TNK WhatsApp?
In new updates no, But if you got banned uninstall your WhatsApp version and install it again.
10. Can I secure a specific chat or the whole TNK WhatsApp profile with password protection?
Yes, you can password-protect any single chat or for whole TNK WhatsApp application.