The leading crypto derivatives trading platform. Trade your crypto easily.
Welcome to Bitget, the most trusted crypto social trading platform and one of the world's leading crypto exchanges. Here, you can buy popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), XTZ, ADA, and Bitget Token (BGB) at a low fee.
You can trade futures for USDT-M/USDC-M/COIN-M, or trade spot for BTC, ETH, LTC, and BGB. You can even automate your buy and sell orders for spot or futures through grid trading. Additionally, you can copy elite traders and their orders to trade BTC and more than 450 other coins. Plus, with Bitget Earn's Flexible Savings products, you can earn up to 20% APR.
We are the first crypto exchange to publish copy trading, which allows investors to follow elite traders at no cost and automatically earn profits like a pro. We recommend this option to beginners without much trading experience.
Spot trading is also seamless with Bitget. You can buy or sell cryptocurrency in the spot market, choosing from over 450 cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, and LTC.
Futures trading is another option with Bitget, supporting USDT-M/USDC-M/COIN-M. You can buy (long) and sell (short) BTC, ETH, and other cryptocurrencies.
Innovation Zone is where you can find trending tokens and initial listings, with new listings added daily, such as BLUR, AGIX, AI, and more.
Easily deposit into your Bitget account using a deposit address or QR code. You can also buy cryptos like USDT and BTC with a bank deposit, P2P trading, or third-party payment.
Bitget Earn is a great way to earn passive income and grow your crypto assets, supporting BTC, USDT, USDC, AXS, ETH, LUNA, AVAX, DOT, XRP, and more to be added in the future.
Our Strategy Hub offers a huge library of crypto trading strategies for you to choose from and find one that suits your trading style. Use bots to easily mirror the trades of elite strategists with just one click.